the Neighborhood Design Center

Green Infrastructure

Seasons Neighborhood Landscape Plan

The Four Seasons Neighborhood is nestled in a sloped, wooded area with no adequate drainage.
The Four Seasons Neighborhood is nestled in a sloped, wooded area with no adequate drainage.

The Challenge

The Four Seasons HOA board in Lanham, MD reached out to the Neighborhood Design Center to receive guidance on their flooding issues. Residents described damaged property and areas that became uninviting and unsafe after rainfall. We collaborated with volunteer designers from VIKA to support the Four Seasons neighborhood with a community-led landscape plan project.

A few visual examples of interventions that we included in our report.
A few visual examples of interventions that we included in our report.

The Solutions


    • Use non-vegetative techniques to capture and/or convey storm water.


    • Use native plant material to provide multiple seasons of interest.


    • Use plant material and soil amendments to reduce soil compaction and slow water runoff.

This stormwater plan includes many affordable solutions: rain barrels, curb stops, french drains, rain gardens, swales, berms, soil amendment, and woodland planting or reseeding.

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