the Neighborhood Design Center


June 12, 2024

What Makes Cities Walkable?

Our cities are often designed based on cars being the primary mode of transportation. But what would it look like if we designed our cities to be more walkable?

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During the COVID-19 pandemic, we learned that residents desire to explore and use our cities’ green spaces. But cities must include well-equipped, safe, equitable and enjoyable spaces to engage residents.

A Gensler Research Institute report finds, “Downtowns must deliver opportunities for fun, discovery, and beauty to appeal to a broad audience of city dwellers. Downtowns that prioritize informal gathering spaces, promote walkability, and pursue activation through community amenities will create an authentic sense of place for downtown residents, employees, and local visitors.”

If cities are safer, are we more likely to walk? What elements stick out to you to make our cities more walkable?

Thank you, NextCity, for posing this thought-provoking question and inspiring us to explore this topic.